Tag: typescript
All the articles with the tag "typescript".
Event Propagation in React
Published:A deep dive into event propagation in React through examples.
Introduction to Micro Frontends with Module Federation, React and Typescript - Updated 2022
Published:In this article we will set up Micro Frontends with Module Federation, React and Typescript
SolidJS vs React I've Built the Same App On Both Libraries.
Published:In this article, we will compare SolidJS and React. Benchmark some metrics and assess the pros and cons of both libraries.
Handling Logged-in User in React/Firebase App
Published:Best way to handle logged-in users in the Firebase/React app is to use custom hook and a context api built with Typescript.
Introduction to Custom Hooks
Published:In this article we will learn how to setup our first custom hook. We will convert axios into re-usable hook with typescript and generics.
Must Know Types in Typescript
Published:In this article we will talk about types we use in our everyday lives to ease development process. And, discover some tricks that can be used with Typescript types.
Testing a React/Redux Toolkit app with Typescript
Published:In this article we will test our React/Redux Toolkit app. Testing specifically slices and component that connected to react with Typescript and React Router.
Up & Running with React, Redux Toolkit, Typescript and React Router
Published:All React apps need a state management library such as Redux Toolkit and type-safety with Typescript. Today we will learn how to use them together.
Build a Custom React Router From Scratch
Published:Have you ever wondered how react router works under the hood? If that's the case best way to explore is to build a custom react router from scratch.
How to Setup a Bulletproof Next.js Project with Typescript, ESLint, Prettier, Babel and Husky
Published:In order to make your Next.js project robust and maintainable, you should be using ESLint, Typescript, Husky and Prettier.