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Speeding Up Your Website


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Web Safe Fonts

If you’re aiming for the best you can get, do not even consider using anything but browsers Web Safe Fonts. By Web Safe Fonts I mean:

These are highly accessible fonts pretty much for all the browsers since they already installed on your computer, so prioritize them over Google Web Fonts or Adobe Fonts.

Font Display

@font-face {
  font-family: ExampleFont;
    url(/path/to/fonts/examplefont.woff) format("woff"),
    url(/path/to/fonts/examplefont.eot) format("eot");
  font-weight: 400;
  font-style: normal;
  font-display: optional;
  unicode-range: U+0020-007F, U+0100-017F;

font-display plays a huge role for Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) and of course for the performance. So, best to go with optional for performance and swap for decrease CLS.

Supported by all modern browsers.

Unicode Ranges

Specifying the unicode-ranges beforehand tells the browsers to only download necessary characters that going to be used. Since we don’t need characters like Arabic, Greek, Hebrew, etc. Of course, if you are not using those characters 🙂.

Supported by all modern browsers. See the list for unicodes.



The preload means that you will need this font very soon after page loading, so load them first and then move onto others, before browsers’ main rendering kicks in. Therefor, preload does not block the page’s render and improves overall performance.

Google Fonts

<link rel="preconnect" href="" />

When using Google fonts always use preconnect first, the browser will start a new connection between origin and receiver to make things faster, thus improving our websites’ user experience and speed. And, pick the font-weights you need because more font-weight means bigger file to download, so choose wisely.


There are not much to talk about images but always strive for smaller images you can get. For example, the image on my landing page is only 50kb, by the way, this is the smallest it can get.

Use TinyPng to compress your images without losing quality.

Using Alternative Packages

Since this websites runs on React only way to decrease the bundle size was to use Preact 3kB alternative for React. If you are using Webpack as a bundler like me, you can follow the steps to implement this. By the way, I’m using preact for production version.

webpack: (config, { dev, isServer }) => {
    if (!dev && !isServer) {
      Object.assign(config.resolve.alias, {
        react: 'preact/compat',
        'react-dom/test-utils': 'preact/test-utils',
        'react-dom': 'preact/compat',
    return config;

Apart from that example, you also analyze your packages through Google Lighthouse, which offers alternative smaller packages for current ones.


Unused Dependencies

Look through your dependencies inside package.json, locate and delete unused ones. Because even if you don’t use packages in package.json they will still be inside your final bundle, thus will make your bundle bigger, therefore make it load slower.

Staying Up To Date With Dependencies

Staying up to date with the latest dependencies may seem unnecessary at first, but sometimes developers improve their packages in terms of both speed and size. For example, Next.js 10’s core packages have been reduced by 16%. They introduced a code-splitting strategy. All these happened because they added their built-in Image component to the codebase. Before they have introduced this image component, I was using an external package to use images. I’ve omitted this one right away once I upgraded to Next.js 10.
