Hey, I'm Oz
RSS FeedI am a software engineer based in Istanbul. I am currently working at Unkey.
This website is my brain dump, where I stuff everything I can think of, mostly about JavaScript, TypeScript, and web technologies. Recently, a bit of Rust.
Build Your Own SSR/SSG From Scratch with Vite and React
Published:Build your own server side rendering with Vite, React and Typescript. SSG Included.
How does prevState in React work under the hood?
Published:We'll take a look at React to see how prevState works under the hood to access the latest state.
Introduction to Micro Frontends with Module Federation, React and Typescript - Updated 2022
Published:In this article we will set up Micro Frontends with Module Federation, React and Typescript
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Write Your Own JSON Parser with Node and Typescript
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Improving Javascript Error Handling using Neverthrow for Rust-like Robustness
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Lessons from The Mythical Man-Month
Published:Learn from Fred Brooks' classic on software project management, productivity, and team dynamics. Boost your skills with key takeaways for maximum efficiency
Sign URLs with Node and Typescript A Step-by-Step Guide with Code Samples
Published:Learn how to sign URLs using Node and Typescript for improved security and reliability of your web apps. Step-by-step guide with code samples.